They can provide a variable resistance by simply varying the knob. The digital controlled potentiometer is implemented using 1023 resistive elements in a series array. The tpl0102100 has an endtoend resistance of 100 k the tpl0102 has nonvolatile memory eeprom. Thumbwheels and shafts can be provided either separately or already inserted in the potentiometer. Rv4naysd102a rv4 series industrial potentiometer, conductive plastic element, solder lug terminals, 2. Potentiometers are available at mouser electronics. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Pot120 75, 100 and 120 ampere three phase br idges o provides 0.
Wiper position of the ds1804 can be stored in eeprom memory on. Oct, 2015 ds1804 datasheet pdf digital potentiometer, ds1804 datasheet, ds1804 pdf, pinout, data, circuit, ic, manual, substitute, parts, schematic, equivalent. However, no responsibility is assumed by analog devices for its use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties that may result from its use. Pilot diameter fl attened bushing index point increased t orque environmental conditions storage temperature range operating temperatur e range climatic rating.
Mostly used to regulate the current flow by addingsubtracting resistance from the circuit, these resistors are available in many shapes and sizes. Tpl0102ep 256taps dualchannel digital potentiometer with. Tpl0501100 slis6c september 2011revised september 2019 tpl0501 256taps, singlechannel, digital potentiometer with spi interface 1. Each potentiometer can be used as a threeterminal potentiometer or as a twoterminal rheostat. Ds1855 dual nonvolatile digital potentiometer and secure. The digitally controlled potentiometers are implemented with a combination of resistor elements and cmos switches.
A digital potentiometer is built either from a resistor ladder integrated circuit or a digitaltoanalog converter although a resistor ladder construction is the more common. The x9c102103104503 is a resistor array composed of 99 resistive elements. Tpl0202 256taps dual channel digital potentiometer with. Floating either terminal a or b allows the devi ce to be used as a rheostat variable resistor. The rv4 series is a military qualified potentiometer made in accordance to milprf94 specifications. Tpl0102ep 256taps dualchannel digital potentiometer. Smd economy trimmers type 3121 series literature no.
Pure storage flasharrayx, the worlds first 100% allflash endtoend nvme and nvmeof array, now optionally includes a storage class memory boost to address the most demanding enterprise applications performance requirements. Datasheet search engine for electronic components and semiconductors. The miniature joystick is our smallest precision analog joystick. Mechanical potentiometer replacement potentiometer wled how to order ptl 30 10 r 0 103 b2 model number designator ptl slide potentiometer wled length of travel 20 20 mm 45 45 mm 01 100 mm 30 30 mm 60 60 mm lever length 10 10 mm 15 15 mm 19 19 mm led color r red a amber o orange w white g green detent option 0 no detent 1. Ds1804 nonvolatile trimmer potentiometer maxim integrated. Selection guide of trimmer potentiometers caution for storage, operating, rating, soldering, mounting and handling in this pdf catalog to prevent smoking andor burning, etc. Voltage applied to the low terminal of each potentiometer cannot exceed vcc. The device can be used as a threeterminal potentiometer or. Between each element are tap points connected to the wiper terminal through switches. By using this honeywell literature, you agree that honeywell will have no liability for any damages arising out of your use or modification to, the literature. Potentiometers are in stock with sameday shipping at mouser electronics from industry leading manufacturers. The wiper position and the output on rw are decoded based on the value in wr. The device characteristics and parameters in this data sheet can and do vary in different applications and actual device performance may vary over time.
Potentiometer datasheet, potentiometer pdf, potentiometer data sheet, datasheet, data sheet, pdf home all manufacturers by category part name, description or manufacturer contain. Miniature joystick information and specifications 970 park center drive vista, ca 92083 tel 760. Features n essentially infinite resolution n excellent rotational life n high quality, rugged construction n general purpose applications n nonstandard features available n cost and space saving 65396639 precision potentiometer rohs directive 2015863, mar 31, 2015 and annex. It has been designed for keyboard and other installations which have a limited amount of available space. Jameco sells alpha b5k potentiometer and more with a lifetime guarantee and same day shipping. Ad5171 64position otp digital potentiometer data sheet rev. Potentiometers xdcp datasheet features four potentiometers in one package 256 resistor tapspot 0. Data sheet pure storage flasharrayx accelerate core applications and provide a modern data experience.
The digitally controlled potentiometer is implemented using 255 resistive elements in a series array. The lt1029 was made compatible with existing references, so the trim range is large. Potentiometer datasheet the x9119 integrates a single digitally controlled potentiometer xdcp on a monolithic cmos integrated circuit. Tpl0102 two 256taps digital potentiometers with non. An important notice at the end of this data sheet addresses availability, warranty, changes, use in safetycritical applications, intellectual property matters and other important disclaimers.
The position of the wiper can be stored in nonvolatile. Acps potentiometers can be adjusted from either side, both in the horizontal and the vertical adjustment types. I2ccompatible, 256position digital potentiometers data. Lowcost nv digital pot wwiperlock technology data sheet. Cat5241 quad digital potentiometer pot with 64 taps and i2c interface description the cat5241 is four digital pots integrated with control logic and 16 bytes of nvram memory. Tpl0501 256taps, singlechannel, digital potentiometer. Potentiometer pot description the cat51 is a single digital pot designed as an electronic replacement for mechanical potentiometers. The mcp4021234 devices are nonvolatile, 6bit digital potentiometers that can be configured as either a potentiometer or rheostat. With constant voltage supplied to the potentiometer, the output voltage is directly proportional to the azimuth angle. It has a single wiper with an open gap of less than 5 degrees. Potentiometer datasheet the x9111 integrates a single, digitally controlled potentiometer xdcp on a monolithic cmos integrated circuit.
Potentiometers also known as pot, are nothing but variable resistors. Tpl0401x10 128taps singlechannel digital potentiometer. It offers a 2 watt power rating and a conductive plastic element. B document feedback information furnished by analog devices is believed to be accurate and reliable. Singledual digital potentiometer with spi interface. Each digital pot consists of a series of 63 resistive elements connected between two externally accessible end points. One solution is to insert resistors in series with both ends of the potentiometer. Potentiometer datasheet, pdf datasheet search engine. The potentiometer is implemented by a resistor array. The position of the wipers are cont rolled by the user through the spi bus interface. The cs input is used to select the device and also store the wiper position prior to power down.
The wiper position of the mcp41xxx42xxx varies linearly and is controlled via. The potentiometer features low starting and running torque, linear resistance, and a long operation life. Manufacturing with less than 500v hbm is possible with the necessary precautions. Between each element and at either end are tap points accessible to the wiper element. The mcp42xxx contains two independent channels in a 14pin pdip, soic or tssop package.
Digital potentiometer output the potentiometer consists of 127 resistors in series connected between the rh and rl pins. Our corps of design engineers have combined decades of experience in the industry. Bulk metal foil ultra high technology preci sion trimming potentiometers, 3 8 square, rj24 style, designed to meet or exceed the requirements of milprf39035, char. Mcp4021234 features nonvolatile digital potentiometer in sot23, soic, msop and dfn packages 64 taps. General description the ad7376 1 is one of the few high voltage, high performance digital potentiometers 2 on the market. Between each resistance and at the two endpoints, rh and rl, solidstate switches enable rw to be connected within the resistive network. Series 70 custom potentiometer designer guide 36 route 10, ste 6 east hanover new jersey 07936. Tpl0102 slis4c march 2011revised september 2015 tpl0102 two 256taps digital potentiometers with nonvolatile memory 1 1 features. The device consists of a resistor array, wiper switches, a control section, and nonvolatile memory. D document feedback information furnished by analog devices is believed to be accurate and reliable.
Nonvolatile, i2ccompatible 64position, digital potentiometer data sheet ad5258 rev. X9c102, x9c103, x9c104, x9c503 datasheet renesas electronics. Datasheet the x9258 integrates 4 digitally controlled potentiometers xdcp on a monolithic cmos integrated circuit. The wiper outputs are equivalent to the wiper output of a mechanical potentiometer. N57m5114 32tap digital potentiometer pot on semiconductor. The ds1804 nv trimmer potentiometer is a nonvolatile digital potentiometer that has 100 positions. Electrical characteristics1 3540 wirewound element 3541 hybritron element. The position of the wiper element is controlled by the cs, ud, and inc inputs. This catalog has only typical specifications because there is no space for detailed specifications. Dc characteristics potentiometer divider mode specifications apply to all vrs resolution n 7 bits integral nonlinearity3 inl r ab 10 k. Potentiometer datasheet the x9251 integrates four digitally controlled potentiometers xdcp on a monolithic cmos integrated circuit.
The ds1809 dallastat is a nonvolatile digitally controlled potentiometer that provides 64 uniform wiper positions over the entire resistor range. Dimensions are in millimetres unless otherwise specified. Rk097142050kbx4 datasheet, rk097142050kbx4 pdf, rk097142050kbx4 data sheet, rk097142050kbx4 manual, rk097142050kbx4 pdf, rk097142050kbx4, datenblatt, electronics. Complete technical details can be found at the datasheet given at the end of this page. Ideal for automated adjustments on high volume production lines, they are also well suited for applications where equipment requiring periodic adjustment is either difficult to access or located in a hazardous. Electronics product that is inconsistent with any renesas electronics data sheet, users manual or. Panel thickness and hole diameters are recommended for best fit. The wiper setting is controlled through a simple updown ud serial interface. Pot100 75, 100 and 120 ampere three phase br idges o provides 0. Mechanical potentiometer replacement potentiometer. Therefore, please approve our product specifications or transact the approval sheet for product specifications before ordering. Pd210 potentiometers datasheet pdf singleturn potentiometers. For both potentiometers, it is not required that the low terminal be connected to a potential less than the high terminal.
Tpl0102 two 256taps digital potentiometers with nonvolatile. The wiper position is controlled by a threewire interface. Tpl0202 slis5e december 2010revised february 2017 tpl0202 256taps dual channel digital potentiometer with spi and nonvolatile. Digitally controlled potentiometer xdcp datasheet the x9c102, x9c103, x9c104, x9c503 are digitally controlled xdcp potentiometers. Mechanical potentiometer replacement 3 description the tpl0102 has two lineartaper digital potentiometers dpots with 256 wiper positions. The mcp41xxx is a singlechannel device and is offered in an 8pin pdip or soic package. Cat5241 quad digital potentiometer pot with 64 taps and. Users should verify actual device performance in their speci. Series 70 custom potentiometer designer guide 36 route 10, ste 6 east hanover new jersey 07936 phone 9738872550 toll free 18006318083 fax 973. Since mod pot potentiometers are modular in construction, we can produce prototype quantities of 12 or 58 inch square, conductive plastic, cermet, or hot molded carbon pots for you in just a few hours.
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